DbUp has a simple logging abstraction in place using the IUpgradeLog interface. Out of the box there are the following loggers:

  • AutodetectUpgradeLog - Uses LibLog to automatically detect the configured logging framework. It automatically detects Serilog, NLog, Log4Net, EntLib and Loupe. Available on .NET 4.5+ and .NET Core.
    • Use builder.LogToAutodetectedLog() to register
  • ConsoleUpgradeLog - Logs to Console.Write*
    • Use builder.LogToConsole() to register
  • TraceUpgradeLog - Logs to Trace.Write*
    • Use builder.LogToTrace() to register
  • NoOpUpgradeLog - No logging
    • Use builder.LogToNowhere() to discard all logs
  • SqlContextUpgradeLog - Logs to SqlContext (available when using the dbup-sqlserver package on .NET Framework)
    • Use builder.LogToSqlContext() to register
  • Use builder.LogTo(new MyCustomLogger()) to provide your own logger

These calls use builder.Configure((UpgradeConfigureation c) => c.AddLog(log)) under the covers.

If no logger is specified, the AutodetectUpgradeLog is used for .NET 4.5+ and .NET Core. TraceUpgradeLog is used on earlier .NET frameworks.

The first call to upgradeConfigureation.AddLog(log) will replace the default logger. Subsequent calls to upgradeConfigureation.AddLog(log) will combine the loggers and result in logs going to all specified loggers. To clear previously configured loggers call UpgradeConfigureation.Log = null or builder.ResetConfiguredLoggers().

By default, the output of the scripts run by DbUp do not show up in the logs. To also display the script output (e.g.: text displayed by PRINT statements in Sql Server), use builder.LogScriptOutput():


Complete example:
