DbUp supports basic variable substitution, to enable you should register variables when configuring DbUp:

  .WithVariable("TestVariable", "Value")

For more than one variable, use a Dictionary:

var myVariables = new Dictionary<string, string>
  {"Variable1", "Value1"},
  {"Variable2", "Value2"},
  {"Variable3", "Value3"},


Then in your database script, you need to enclose all variables in $ signs, for example $variable$:

-- $TestVariable$ $AnotherVariable$
print '$TestVariable$'
SELECT * FROM dbo.$TestVariable$

Will result in:

print 'Value'
SELECT * FROM dbo.Value

Variables can only contain letters, digits, _ and -. If there are any other characters between the $s it is not treated as a variable. If a variable is found within a script, but not supplied an exception will be thrown unless it is within a comment. Please be aware that the 'schema' variable will be used by StripSchemaPreprocessor : don't use it!

Note: there is no way to escape variables, if this causes you issues, create a GitHub issue or submit a pull request to allow escaping!